
Follow my life of knitting, karate, living gluten free and family!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Crochet and a Bar Mitzvah!

I spent the entire day yesterday (well, just about) crocheting my Ravolympics scarf! I've really gotten a lot done - crochet is a TON faster than knitting. Not to rag on knitting, I am a true knitter at heart, but it is amazing how quickly this project is going. I'm hoping to finish it tonight and get moving on my second project. The whole point is that it's a challenge (hence the crochet), but my "challenge" for the next project is using up my Plymouth yarn!!

Here is my scarf as of last night:

One side done! Here is what I have so far today:

We went to Temmie's son's Bar Mitzvah today. It was very nice. Temmie looked gorgeous in purple and wore a beautiful necklace that my neighbor, Arlene, made for her. Sam did a great job and it was an honor to be included in her family's simcha! (Simcha is Yiddush for "joy") She had a brunch buffet and I was thrilled that there was plenty for me to eat - this whole Celiac thing has really put a limit on outside food related activities! I have been very blessed to have such wonderful friends who always take into consideration my inability to eat whatever and they accommodate me whether I ask or not!! Take, for instance, my Knit Night Holiday Party. Quite a few people made gluten free foods - shout out to Lori, Erica, Colleen, Temmie, Barb and Amy!!! It was a party for them, and they thought of me. Same with our Karate friends - Sue's family has been amazing and so has Mary. It's wonderful to have such good and caring people around me!! So, I shall take my blessings and good mood and tune it in to my crochet - wish me luck to get it done tonight!!!!

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