
Follow my life of knitting, karate, living gluten free and family!

Monday, October 31, 2011

"Z" is for......


Zis is ze last post in ze ABC meme!  I wanted to send it out with a bang of some really creative topic, but, alas, I can't think of anything that creative or Zany to post about.  26 Mondays of posts and here we are at the end...  it's kind of bittersweet.  I'm glad to not feel the pressure of posting, but will miss reading the posts of others to see what words they are writing about.

Thank you Charlotte for giving us this idea.  It's been lots of fun and I know a lot of us enjoyed posting!

So, for all the zebras, zoos, zealots, Zen Buddhists, zeniths, zeros, zircons, zippers, Zionists, zodiacs, zones and zingers...  I bid farewell to the ABC meme.


  1. I'm gonna miss your posts :( Was a fun meme to say the least... although I'm still 1 letter behind *laughs*

  2. I'm not quite sure what to do with my Mondays now!

  3. It's funny I thought about using a French accent also.
    I have enjoyed getting to know you through this meme.

  4. Do the Squee Sunday posts - then it won't feel so empty!

  5. I need too! I'm thinking Y tonight and Z later this week :P

  6. It's been fun. Really enjoyed meeting you.

  7. Neat post! And it's been great fun following your ABC's : )
