So, a friend of mine from work recommended Dr. Ria Gilday to me. So far, I really like her. You can check her out here I had three test done yesterday. I am not happy with the results, but that is why I am going to her... I still feel exhausted all the time and even though I eat relatively well, my body is not functioning at it's best. Since I've been gluten free, I have come a long way, but I still need to learn how to handle stress better and I need to excercise. Yeah, I know I do, I just don't. I haven't been to karate for anything other than coaching in a good 6 months. Although knitting is super relaxing, it's not cardio by any means and that is what I really need... Okay, enough lecturing at myself and anyone who's listening!!
This was fun - she has this really cool Royal Chair in her office and of course, Jarett loved it. Here he is pretending to be King. Tell me this isn't cute!!!