I feel like it's been a whirlwind weekend again. My brother's step-mother-in-law was in from WI for a conference in Philly. She stayed at my parents' house. We had dinner with her Friday night after work. It was a nice visit and we exchanged e-mail addresses and talked about my nieces and nephews. She loved my house and wants to get the kids here to swim in the summer. That would be awesome since I haven't met my newest niece in person yet!
Saturday morning was a driving craziness mess with Matt thinking he had to be at karate to meet Cara at 9 and then called me back at ten after to tell me it was the wrong day - he was supposed to be there at 9 on Sunday... then we had to get him to work at 12 for a birthday party at the Newtown karate school. We then picked him up again at 2:30. Later we met Jess and Scott for dinner and then went bowling. Can I just tell you that I really am bad... I broke 50 points and that was great for me!! It was fun though, as sad as I bowl...
Today, I am up early to take Jarett to Hebrew School and I teach a Hebrew reading class. Matt's coming with to help me. Then of course, we have Jr Demo practice this afternoon and Matt changed his 9 am meet with Cara to 5:30 so they can come to demo practice (they love working out the kids) and then work on their kata after the class... By the time we get home, it'll be time to pack lunches for Monday and get everyone to bed. Hee hee - they all have school but I am off - yay Philly and Columbus Day holiday!!!