So far, I've done a blend of greens such as cucumber, celery, parsley, spinach and lettuces. I don't think I'll do the lettuces anymore - they were very delicate and didn't go through as well as I had thought... The parsley, celery and cucumber went through great. It's very surprising though how little juice it actually makes. One celery stalk, a handful of spinach, a small bunch of parsley and a 1/4 of a cucumber only made about 4 oz of juice... I plan on doubling the recipe for the next time!!
For dinner, I made sauteed onions, garlic, red pepper and added spinach leaves at the end to wilt. I topped it with salmon that I cooked with olive oil, salt and fresh garlic. It was so pretty on the plate:

Even Matt ate it up while watching some TV!!

I am so proud of him - he is really trying hard to keep up with his healthy eating. Isn't he turning into a handsome young man? Now, if only I could get him to knit...