Bandi was exhausted from all my knitting, LOL!!

On Friday, the boys all had school but I was off so I ran around food shopping. When I got home, I made Matt gluten free brownies and cookies for his birthday - 16!!!! WOW!!!

On Saturday, we got a shock - Bandit learned to like the snow!! We couldn't believe it - there he was, running around!! He really surprised us all!

I then had time to finish my scarf. I used scrap yarn and mixed up the colors and did some stockinette and some garter just for texture. It came out like this:

During all of this, Matt went for his permit test and passed on the first try!! We went to dinner with his grandparents and his aunt and celebrated his 16th. We promised to take him driving in the daylight so today we took Matt to an empty parking lot and let him practice. He drove around for about an hour! He has to log in 50 hrs for his official driving test in July. Of course we will have him take classes, but it was fun for Bryan and me to take him for this special milestone!! Later on today, Jr Demo practice!