Pretty Alpaca
Originally uploaded by shoelzle
So I'm working at Breezy Point Day Camp again this summer. I'm the Nature Specialist there. Here's my pretty Alpaca. She is very timid and her owner is hoping that I will have her socialized by the end of the summer. Wish me luck with that!! Unfortunately, she hasn't been sheared properly so her fleece is very choppy looking. I have no idea how quickly fleece grows - I was hoping I could someone to shear her for me so I could spin her fleece. I'm not sure that will happen though... At some point I'll e-mail Rose from Alma Park Farms and ask her what she thinks. It's not like I don't have enough fiber to spin up now!
I did start spinning some of the fiber that I had dyed up. That's in a previous post if you want to see the pics. I'm spinning the red and am thinking of plying it with the natural off white. I don't know if it will look too "candy cane" like though... any thoughts??? Maybe I should do the Kool Aid method and dye the off white and then ply it? Maybe with a pink shade? The red is kind of a cross between wine and crimson with some warm tone to it though. I'm not sure what would match with it. The pink/purple fleece I have doesn't look good with it. Maybe the off white is the best choice? I wish this my worst problem in life!!