
Follow my life of knitting, karate, living gluten free and family!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Yarn, a bird and best day ever!

I spent most of Saturday with my good friend Trudy. She's been at me for almost a year to go to Peddler's Village. The boys went on a fishing trip so I was free to go. Our first stop? Knitting to Know Ewe in Penn's Purchase. Very nice shop with the most lovely owners. I highly recommend stopping in if you have the chance. No snootiness, just a genuine love of knitting and yarn! Here is what I bought:

Araucacia yarn from knitting to know ewe

It's Araucacia yarn in colorway 1012. It's kind of a brown/pinkish mix. Very pretty. I bought two skeins and am thinking of doing Citron, which is what Trudy wants to make, so we figure a KAL will be in order...

From there, we went to lunch at Oh Susanna's where I was so thrilled they were able to accommodate my gluten free diet. We had a wonderful lunch and then moved on to more shopping. I bought more tea - they had the most delicious smelling citrus orange, had to get it! I also got an English breakfast. Trudy bought the orange too.

My mom had told me about a kitchen store there and I did get a tea strainer to put over your mug to catch any leaves that may have fallen into your pot. So fun to have tea accessories!

Then we went to the best store that was so much fun - it was a store with everything and anything you could imagine as well as things you'd never think of! At the register, they had a wheel to spin to get a percentage off your order. They let you spin for each item. Anyway, how cute are these little scissors I bought for my beading?

Cutest pair of scissors ever!

I just love them!! I also bought a "lady" jewlery holder, two hair sticks to use as shawl pins and the cutest little tea pot shaped tea bag holders. So here is the funny/ironic part, there were five tea holders but I only wanted four. However, me the goofy person I am, felt sorry for the leftover one and couldn't leave it there all alone. So, I took all five. On all of my spins, I got 10% off except for the tea holders - that one gave me 21% off and a free gift!!!! Woo Hoo!! So what was my free gift? Please see earlier posts if you don't get the irony in this.....

Free bird won at peddler's village!