
Follow my life of knitting, karate, living gluten free and family!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Weird project...

So when we were in Peddler's Village, we saw this cool looking vest/shawl thing. It's kind of hard to describe, but it was made of four mitered squares and then had "arms" and "legs" coming out. The arms went over your shoulders, so from the front it looked like a vest, and the legs wrapped around and tied at your waist. We decided to figure it out and are making it. Here is the mitered square in progress:

There is more pink to it than what is showing in the picture, and I am using a hot pink as a contrasting yarn for the arms and legs...

On another note, camp ended and we had an interesting visitor for the last day! Check him/her out:

Leaf bug on fence at camp

It's a leaf bug!! Okay, I know I'm a little overboard with the whole animal thing... just can't help it!!