
Follow my life of knitting, karate, living gluten free and family!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Busy Saturday!

We got a lot accomplished today! I had another Biomodular appt. and had a great conversation with Shana, the Nutristionist. We will continue it in two weeks when I'm back for my appointment with Dr. Ria. I've been doing pretty good with taking all of my supplements regularly and although I don't feel great - still fatigued and low on energy, this is the first school year in years that I have not had to take one sick day!! I know I'm a week early, but I feel confident in saying that I made it to winter break with no flu, no pneumonia and no cold!!!

I made the baby hat for Joyce's grand-daughter. Here it is, I used Moda Dea Dream on size 8 DPN's:

Baby hat Joyce's grandbaby

Here is a pic of it on my hand so you can see how tiny it needed to be:

Baby hat for Joyce's granddaughter

Pretty teeny, huh?!

Bryan spent most of the day cleaning Matt's room - a job I did not envy!! Matt was working all day but was very appreciative when he got home. We even got kisses from him!! I did some last minute holiday shopping as well and then we went to dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant, Plum Tree. We get the most amazing gluten free meal there and we don't even need to place the order anymore. We walk in, they know us and put it right in for us! It's so nice there, they are so kind and take good care of us!

In the meantime, Bandit enjoyed his Chanukah gift from my parents.... as they say, a picture says a thousand words!!

Bandit's new bed