We had a wonderful day yesterday! Two of my dad's sisters came with their kids and grand kids. I haven't seen my cousins in years. It was so nice to catch up! We had a lot of fun reminiscing about when we were little and slept over each other's houses. I remember doing Denise and Gina's hair for hours! They remember my crazy long nails with designs on each. Before kids, (I had already quit playing the violin) I had 1 inch long nails and would spend hours painting and drawing different designs on each. I loved it so much that while I was college, I got my nail tech license and worked in a shop part time... that was so long ago... Now, I have short nails (for when I still fiddle with my fiddle) and rarely even polish them. I'd much rather knit than wait for polish to dry and since I have a license, I hate to pay someone else to do them!
Anyway, Denise's kids are absolutely adorable. Her daughter Maya is so mature (at 8 yrs old) and has no fear what-so-ever! Lilly (4 yrs old) was shy and took a while to warm up, but sure enough when I brought out my turtles to show her, she became my best friend! Dylan (6 yrs old) followed Jarett around and looked up to him just like little cousins should - how cute!! The swam, went on the trampoline and even took Bandit for a walk around the block. Alexa (Jimmy's daughter - 1 yr old) was the happiest baby I've ever seen. She never cried and just giggled the whole day! Gamble (Jason's daughter - 6 yrs old) was as mature as Maya and jumped right in to be with the "big guys!" It was so nice to see their kids playing with mine. Now I understand how my Aunts have felt seeing my brother and me with their kids...
We've made a resolution to try to keep in touch more and get together. Gina and I exchanged phone numbers and I know we'll text and keep in touch. I can't believe she's an adult now - she was "the baby!" She's in school to do hair and I know she'll be fabulous. She's very artistic and you can see she loves design. I'm very proud of them all!!